Debatably, Angelina Jolie's the world’s most physically faultless female, from her vivid bottle-green eyes to those flawless curves (recall her as Lara Croft?), she’s consistently seen making everyone within her vicinity feel really drab and bit bloated.
So it’s unsurprising that Angelina Jolie ended up with Brad Pitt, another human who looks like he’s been genetically engineered in a lab, in the good way, not the getting an ear grown on his back way. Between them, ‘Brangelina’ have become serial overachievers, consistently doing excellent things, while simultaneously assuring the world that they’re not breaking up. Because why would they?
The serial mother has a flock of six children, three of whom were adopted following visits to Cambodia, Namibia and Vietnam. But Oscar winning Angelina Jolie still finds time to carry out some mad crazy humanitarian work for the UN, star in blockbuster films like Wanted, The Tourist, Salt and Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Masters. She directed her first film, In The Land of Blood and Honey, in 2011, which does look a bit miserable, but it’s one more film than we’ve ever directed.
Angelina Jolie also models, acts as her own agent, and presumably finds some time to occasionally kick back with a puzzle, and share a bottle of Shloer with Pitt on occasion. What a woman.
So it’s unsurprising that Angelina Jolie ended up with Brad Pitt, another human who looks like he’s been genetically engineered in a lab, in the good way, not the getting an ear grown on his back way. Between them, ‘Brangelina’ have become serial overachievers, consistently doing excellent things, while simultaneously assuring the world that they’re not breaking up. Because why would they?
The serial mother has a flock of six children, three of whom were adopted following visits to Cambodia, Namibia and Vietnam. But Oscar winning Angelina Jolie still finds time to carry out some mad crazy humanitarian work for the UN, star in blockbuster films like Wanted, The Tourist, Salt and Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Masters. She directed her first film, In The Land of Blood and Honey, in 2011, which does look a bit miserable, but it’s one more film than we’ve ever directed.
Angelina Jolie also models, acts as her own agent, and presumably finds some time to occasionally kick back with a puzzle, and share a bottle of Shloer with Pitt on occasion. What a woman.